SpeLoG - Species List of Greece

The taxonomic backbone for biodiversity of Greece

Greek Biodiversity / Ελληνική Βιοποικιλότητα

Publication Type:Database
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:Z. Koukoura, Thomopoulos, G. N., Goutner, V., Koukouras, A.
Date Accessed:25/02/2015
Publisher:Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Keywords:Biodiversity, Biotope, Cell, Community, Database, Gene, Greece, Species, Zoological Museum

From http://greek-biodiversity.web.auth.gr/en (dated June 2010, accessed 25 Feb. 2015)

The “Greek biodiversity” database was established in order to constitute a single reference point for anyone (in education or research), interested in inquiring information on the Greek Biodiversity, at any of its levels considered (Gene – Cell, Species, Organismic community, Biotope).

This database may also be used as a tool for documenting pollution in an organismic community or biotope. Given their organismic composition in pristine state (it is provided by the database), pollution effects are documented through the reduction in biodiversity that will be ascertained.
Up to now, the database visitor may acquire information on: (i) most major groups of the Greek fauna and flora; (ii) the genome of animal species with major or minor economic interest and (iii) the organismic composition of the Greek forests.

Registration of data on all three biodiversity levels will progressively continue till all organisms (including fossils and viruses) that have been or will be reported from the Greek State will be covered. The same effort will continue in order to cover all Greek organismic communities (terrestrial, fluvial, estuarine, lacustrine and marine).

The basic innovations of the “Greek Biodiversity” database are: (i) the bibliographic documentation of each registered piece of information, (ii) the provision of information on the three different levels of the Greek biodiversity and (iii) the reference to museum specimens, available to researchers upon request.

The creation of this database is mainly the result of fervent cooperation among Professor Zoi Koukoura (School of Forestry and Natural Environment), Professors G.N. Thomopoulos, V. Goutner and A. Koukouras (School of Biology) and a significant number of post-doc researchers, Ph.D. students, post- and pre-graduate students.

Refereed Designation:Does Not Apply
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith